Thiago Duarte
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
Better than being a millionarie at 23
Better than being a millionarie at 23
Better than being a millionarie at 23
Better than being a millionarie at 23

Being human is a funny thing. I remember myself at 15, with ambitions of leaving home and becoming a millionaire by 23, like my great idols did. The first part is complete in a week in a few hours, and I’ll tell you it’s a mix of feelings running through my head right now.
A few months ago, I was in my comfort zone, with nowhere else to go, and feeling happy. Strange, right? Where did those ambitions of a boy who wanted to be somebody go? But it’s impressive how much my life has changed all of a sudden. And I’m happy about it.
Even though I spent one of the most boring weekends of my life, I am very excited about what’s to come in a new city, a new company, and soon new friends. The hardest part for me was getting through this first weekend, without knowing many people and without that cozy feeling of being at home when sitting at a bar table with friends. I really miss that.
For the first time in a long time, I feel that ambition again, that desire to grow and make a difference in the world. And that makes me very happy and fills the void that being away from home created.
I believe this is just the beginning, and who said starting is bad? It brings you a very good feeling to think that you still have a lot to do, a lot to grow, and even though I might not become a millionaire by 23, I believe my life will be much more interesting this way. It’s important to set small goals so that you don’t get frustrated by not being able to achieve those that seem impossible. The goal that is impossible today, in the future, will be just another one, and you will realize that there are indeed many more challenges to come.
Being human is a funny thing. I remember myself at 15, with ambitions of leaving home and becoming a millionaire by 23, like my great idols did. The first part is complete in a week in a few hours, and I’ll tell you it’s a mix of feelings running through my head right now.
A few months ago, I was in my comfort zone, with nowhere else to go, and feeling happy. Strange, right? Where did those ambitions of a boy who wanted to be somebody go? But it’s impressive how much my life has changed all of a sudden. And I’m happy about it.
Even though I spent one of the most boring weekends of my life, I am very excited about what’s to come in a new city, a new company, and soon new friends. The hardest part for me was getting through this first weekend, without knowing many people and without that cozy feeling of being at home when sitting at a bar table with friends. I really miss that.
For the first time in a long time, I feel that ambition again, that desire to grow and make a difference in the world. And that makes me very happy and fills the void that being away from home created.
I believe this is just the beginning, and who said starting is bad? It brings you a very good feeling to think that you still have a lot to do, a lot to grow, and even though I might not become a millionaire by 23, I believe my life will be much more interesting this way. It’s important to set small goals so that you don’t get frustrated by not being able to achieve those that seem impossible. The goal that is impossible today, in the future, will be just another one, and you will realize that there are indeed many more challenges to come.